Thomas Steinkellner

Supervisor: Harald Sitte, Medical University of Vienna

Co-Supervisor: Hannes Todt, Medical University of Vienna


Title of the project: Amphetamine action at dopamine and serotonin transporters is modulated by aCaMKII  

Finishing date: 12/2013


Research stay abroad: 06.05.-31.07.2013; Host: Ben Philpot, Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, Project: Investigation of the dopaminergic and serotonergic system in Angelman syndrome mice.

Lab Rotation 1 (2 weeks): Host: Hannes Todt; 11/2012

Lab Rotation 2 (3 weeks): Host: Marko Mihovilovic; 11/2013

Place after graduation: PostDoc at UCSD, Hnasko Laboratory, Dept. of Neurosciences, FWF Schroedinger-Fellowship until 04/2017. 

In October 2020, Thomas Steinkellner returned as Assistant Professor at the Medical University of Vienna to study transporters and their contribution to selective vulnerability in neurodegeneration.



 Abstract of the PhD thesis

 Alumni brochure contribution by Thomas Steinkellner