David Siebert

Supervisor: Margot Ernst, Medical University of Vienna

Co-Supervisor: Marko Mihovilovic, Technical University of Vienna


Title of the project: Towards Selective Ligands for the GABAAReceptor α+/β- Interface

Finishing date: 02/2018

Publications:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/

Lab Rotation 1 (2 weeks): Host: Margot Ernst. Subject: Basic principles of electrophysiology and homology modeling; 07/2015

Lab Rotation 2 (2 weeks): Host: Gerhard Ecker. Subject: Docking studies and evaluation of alpha+/beta- homology models, 01/2016

Lab Rotation 3 (2 weeks): Host: Thierry Langer, Subject: Pharmacophore modeling, 05/2017

Place after graduation: Senior Account Manager at Schrödinger Drug Discovery Group, Munich, GER. Previous positions at innoscripta and Avantor; CEO and Co-founder of Craft Collective UG.

David Siebert received the GÖCH (Austrian Chemical Society) prize for his dissertation "Towards selective ligands for the GaBAA receptor α+/β- interface" (01/2022).

 Abstract of the PhD thesis

 Alumni Brochure contribution by David Siebert