Stanislav Andranovits

Supervisor: Steffen Hering, University of Vienna

Co-Supervisor: Anna Weinzinger, University of Vienna


Title of the project: Gating determinants of Cav1.2 L-type calcium channel

Finishing date: 07/2019

Research topic of the student: It was Stanislav task to clarify the individual impacts of voltage sensors (VS) of domains I-IV in Cav1.2 gating. He expressed channel constructions with charge neutralised VS and analysed the current kinetics (see publications) and pharmacological properties. During his internship abroad he characterised channelopathy mutations of T-type channels in the Snutch lab.



Research stays abroad16.01.2018-17.07.2018, Host: Terrance Snutch, Canada Research Chair in Biotechnology and Genomics-Neurobiology,  Michael Smith Laboratories, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, CDN.  Topic: „Learning cell patch clamp electrophysiology; Testing of a specific drug on both a cardiac cell line and clonal cell lines exogenously expressing T-type calcium channels” 

Lab Rotation (2 weeks): Host: Anna Weinzinger , Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Vienna. Subject: Docking of qD888 in CaV1.1 channel; 2019

Place after graduation:  since 10/2019: Pharmacovigiliance Associate at Cognizant, Budapest (HUN).

 Abstract of the PhD thesis

 Alumni brochure contribution by Stanislav Andranovits