Felix Mayer

Supervisor: Harald Sitte, Medical University of Vienna


Title of the project: Unraveling the mechanism of action of new psychoactive substances and their phase 1 metabolites

Finishing date: 04/2017

Publications:   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ 

Place after graduation:until 12/2017: PostDoc in the Harald Sitte group at MedUni Vienna, Since 2018: PostDoctoral Reseach Associate at Florida Atlantic University,  The Brain Institute, Boca Raton, FL, USA,  in the group of Prof. Randy D. Blakely

Felix was funded by a DOC fellowship by OeAW and received a Max Kade fellowship in 2021.

 Abstract of the PhD thesis

 Alumni brochure contribution by Felix Mayer