Mojtaba Tavakoli
Supervisor: Johann Danzl, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Co-Supervisor: Gaia Novarino, Institute of Science and Technology Austria and Marko Mihovilovic, TU Wien
Start of project: 01.07.2019
Title of the project: Expansion microscopy for molecular interrogation of neuronal specimen
Research topic:
Cells execute their specific functions based on complex molecular machineries. In my project, we will push resolution and labeling technology in diffraction-unlimited microscopy to analyze the makeup of subcellular compartments and protein machineries at molecular detail.
Lab Rotation: 4 rotational periods (each ca 2 months) in IST Labs:
Danzl Lab: RNA-FISH in combination with expansion microscopy and expression and purification of nanobodies
Siegert Lab: Mitochondrial morphology and dynamic in microglia
Shigemoto Lab: Presynaptic targets of ventral mossy cells traced by pseudotyped g-deleted rabies virus
Hippenmeyer Lab: Genome-wide library for genetic mosaic analysis in mice
Link to Publications by Mojtaba Tavakoli
Recipient of an OeAW DOC Fellowship (05/2021)