Second guestlecture in January: Jan 19, 11:30, HS4!


Marcel Van der Heyden will discuss the development of the CAVB model from its beginning and also will reflect on safety pharmacology studies, efficacy and mechanistic studies on anti-arrhythmic drugs in CAVB dogs from the past and current findings.

The Doctoral Program MolTag and the Pharma &Food Lecture Series (580006 SE) are pleased to invite you to the following lecture


“Examining drug-induced proarrhythmia in the canine AV block model”
by Prof. Marcel van der Heyden, PhD

Department of Medical Physiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands; dr. M.A.G. van der Heyden - UMC Utrecht

on: Thursday, January 19, 2023, 11:30am
at:  UZA 2, Josef Holaubek-Platz 2, 1090 Vienna, Lecture Hall 4 (HS 4)
Host: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Anna Weinzinger


ABSTRACT: Ventricular cardiac arrhythmia is a life threating condition arising from abnormal functioning of many factors in concert. Animal models mirroring human electrophysiology are essential to predict and understand the rare pro- and anti-arrhythmic effects of drugs. This is very well accomplished by the canine chronic atrioventricular block (CAVB) model. I will discuss the development of the CAVB model from its beginning. Understanding of the structural, contractile and electrical remodeling processes following atrioventricular (AV) block provides insight in the many factors contributing to drug-induced arrhythmia. I also will reflect on safety pharmacology studies, efficacy and mechanistic studies on anti-arrhythmic drugs in CAVB dogs from the past and current findings. In view of the tremendous amount of data obtained over the last 100 years from the CAVB dog model, it can be considered as man's best friend in preclinical drug research.

RESEARCH PROFILE:  Marcel is associate professor in the Dept. of Medical Physiology at the University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. He obtained his PhD in the field of cancer research at the Utrecht University in 1995. Thereafter he performed two post-docs on stem cell biology and connexins at the Netherlands Institute of Developmental Biology. He entered the field of cardiac arrhythmias in 2000. Currently, his focus is on cardiac potassium ion channel pharmacology and ion channel trafficking. His research group combines functional electrophysiological methods with cellular and molecular biology, and biochemical methods. He authored more than 120 peer reviewed papers, most of which deal with membrane protein biology and pharmacology including ion channels. Marcel teaches and writes on scientific integrity and is member of several advisory panels on this subject. Marcel is associate editor on four peer review physiology journals and was secretary of the Dutch Society of Physiology for five years. In 2017/18 he worked as guest-professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Vienna University. Marcel is a passionate teacher of physiology. He obtained his Senior Teaching Qualification in 2018 and is currently coordinator and examiner in the Medical curriculum in the course Circulation 1 and the bachelor Honours Program for medical students.

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