Next Guestlecture on Jan 12, 11:30, UZA 2, HS 4!


This lecture be Oluwamodupe EJELONU (Olusegun Agagu Univ. of Science and Technology, Nigeria) describes drug discovery from plant extracts and in explaining this process puts the focus on importance of targeting ion-channel and transporter drug discovery

The.MolTag Program & the Lecture Series Pharma and Food invite you to the following lecture:


Natural products and ion channels and transporters: Innovation for novel drug discovery


by Oluwamodupe Cecilia EJELONU, PhD,  

Dept. of Chemical Sciences, Biochemistry program, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology,Okitipupa Ondo State Nigeria  

(during a scientific cooperation visit)


on: Thursday, January 12th, 2023, 11:30 a.m.

at:  UZA2, Josef Holaubek-Platz 2, 1090 Vienna; Lecture Hall 4.

Host: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Anna Weinzinger


Abstract: Natural products are complex mixtures that may be rich in useful bioactive compounds such as Alkaloids, Polyphenol, saponin, terpenes, polypeptides etc. therefore they are attractive sources for new leads in drug discovery. Natural products continue to be a key source of novel chemistry and structural templates from which new therapeutics can be designed and developed. This lecture describes drug discovery from plant extracts and in explaining this process puts the focus on importance of targeting ion-channel and transporter drug discovery. In particular, the identification of bioactive compounds from plant extracts targeting Katp channel is discussed. The talk is divided into three phases: Sources, Targets, and Approaches. The “Sources” phase will discuss finding healing plants, extraction and isolation, the bioactive components, invivo and invitro bioactivity guided assay for drug discovery. The “Targets” phase will discuss the importance of ion-channel drug targets in general, the involvement of computational techniques and KATP channel in particular. The“Approaches” phase will give an overview of analytical approaches that are used for the identification of new bioactive compounds with the focus on targeting ion channels. In addition, a selected overview is given of my previous approach to phytomedicinal research and discovery so far.


Biography: Oluwamodupe Cecilia EJELONU is a Lecturer of Biochemistry in the Department of Chemical Sciences, (Biochemistry program) Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa Ondo State Nigeria. She obtained her PhD in Biochemistry from Ekiti State University Ado Ekiti, with the project titled “The biochemical evaluation of antidiabetic properties of saponin from Tithonia diversifolia leaves and its toxicological implications” project supervised by Prof. Isaac. G. Adanlawo in collaboration with Dr Rakesh Kundu of Cell Signaling laboratory, Zoology Department Vishva Bharati University, Santiniketan, WB India.  She did her postdoctoral fellowship (as a DBT-TWAS postdoctoral fellow) at India Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi India.

She was a Lab. Technologist/ Research Scientist at Biochemistry Department Adekunle Ajasin University before joining Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology as a Lecture four years ago. She was adjudged the best scientist of the year 2021 in Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology by AD scientific world scientist ranking.  She is a recipient of international awards such as UNESCO/DBT-TWAS and Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientist (RTF-DCS). She is a member of  Endocrine Society Washington DC, USA, Society of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development South Africa (SOMPED) and Nigerian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular biology. Her research interests are Phytomedicinal biochemistry, molecular biology and bioinformatics in a bid to understand the structures, functions and mechanisms of phytochemicals from medicinal plants towards natural product drug discovery for diabetes, obesity and other cardiometabolic implications.


Contact: phone: 01 4277 55320


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