Thank you for attending the MolTag Closing Conference!


The Doctoral Program “Ion channels and transporters as molecular drug targets” (MolTag) was established in 2011 and comprises a research and training platform for PhD projects from the University of Vienna (Life Sciences and Chemistry), the Vienna University of Technology, the Medical University of Vienna and (since 2015) the IST Austria. In the past 3 funding periods, our platform provided multidisciplinary research, teaching and a broad knowledge in pharmaceutical science for more than 70 students. Our consortium consists of pharmacologists, molecular biologists, synthetic chemists, biophysicists and computationally oriented groups.


On September 25 + 26 we will celebrate our scientific diversity by lectures from international colleagues in the field and showcase the achievements that our program has produced by scientific contributions of both, MolTag Graduates and current MolTag students.


See Location details here!

The program will cover topics related to: 

  • Computational Drug Design
  • Chemical Biology
  • Human Pathobiology
  • Photopharmacology
  • Neuropharmacology 
  • (Chemical) Neuroscience 
  • Machine Learning