The MolTag Scientific Retreat offered
- a key note lecture by Manuela Schmidt about translational pain research: from ion channels via protein networks towards disease phenotypes and systems biology
- two poster pitch sessions and two poster discussion sessions.The students presented their most recent work and discussed their finding with MolTag faculty member, the membes of the MolTag Scientific Advisory Board, our key note lecturer and certainly as well with their fellow students
- the premiere of the MolTag movie! During the Corona spring 2021, the students wrote and staged the script; supported by professional film makers they created a very special document of the research performed by the MolTag students of the 3rd funding period.
- a Hot seat session, where MolTag alumni (Stefanie Kickinger and David Siebert) and MolTag SAB were confronted with questions of all kinds by the students.
- A very informative and encouraging presentation about "Third party funds from Austria and beyond for Early postdocs" that have been presented by Barbara Leitner and Amy Radlberger from the Research Service of the University of Vienna.
The program ended with team building challenges in the bright sunlight that were enjoyed very much by the students !
Location was the beautiful Althof Retz in Retz, Lower Austria.
We thank the whole community for their committed and well prepared participation, the student representatives for their fresh spirit and good ideas and the FWF for the funding of our program.