Congratulations to Florian Vogel


on his first authorship in Epilepsia (Feb 12, 2022)

The findings in this paper represent the first genetic & functional evidence for an association between GABRA4 & a neurodevelopmental disorder with epilepsy. Congratulations to one of the first authors of this paper, MolTag PhD student Florian Vogel, group of Margot Ernst at Medizinische Universität Wien.


Vogel FD, Krenn M, Westphal DS, Graf E, Wagner M, Leiz S, et al. A de novo missense variant in GABRA4 alters receptor function in an epileptic and neurodevelopmental phenotype. Epilepsia. 2022;00:1– 7.    

GABAA receptor transmembrane domain (TMD) homology model with generally assumed arrangement on the basis of 5OSB: Left: β+/α- interface from the side view with THDOC (green) bound; right: transmembrane domain of a GABAA receptor pentamer from top view with two α4 (cyan) and three β (grey) subunits. All residues which might be relevant for neurosteroid interactions based on the study by Chen et al are labelled.

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