

This summer two "best poster communication" and a new first authorship add to the achievements of MolTag PhD students.

We congratulate Giovanni Di Mauro (Maulide group) for his best poster communication award! He attended the International School on Organic Synthesis (ISOS 2021)" with his poster contribution "Oxidative Umpolung Using Iodine (III) enables the α – Cyclopropanation of Carbonyl Derivatives" and convinced the committee of the value of his research and his presentation skills!

Congratulations to Barbara Füzi (Ecker group), who received the SCT Poster Prize at the 56th RICT-International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry for her poster "Predicting drug pathways through drug interactome reconstruction".  

Michael Bründl (Weinzinger group) who is about to prepare for his soon starting US internship just published his most recent first authorship on PIP2-induced gating transitions of KATP structures in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences - Structural Biology. In this work they also saw ligand-independent effects caused by a ND mutant in the pore, providing an explanation for the disease-causing mechanism.

Fantastic and very well done!

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Nathalie Agudelo Dueñas successfully defended her PhD Thesis at ISTA - Congratulations!


We congratulate Aljoša Smajić and Theres Friesacher on their successfull PhD Thesis defense!


Congratulations to Nadja Singer, TheoChem Group, UniVie!