This was it: The MolTag Retreat 2022!


Students, faculty member, scientific advisory boards and guests enjoyed 1.5 days full of motivated attendees, focus on project progress and career advice!

A doctoral program like MolTag offers students many advantages. One that matters a lot: The annual retreat meeting, that took place in September 2022 in Schloss Hernstein.

This year: A GABAA key note lecture by Prof. Trevor Smart (UCL), detailed progress reports and discussions on methods and problem solving with faculty, (inter)national SAB members and guests, a special unit on medicinal chemistry and translational research by Peter Nussbaumer and Thierry Langer, an in-depth discussion and practical tips on careers in and outside of the Academia, supported as well by Ingrid Kelly-Spillmann, Sharon Bryant and Christopher Ahern: The community came together again, worked intensively and drew a lot of spirit and inspiration from the contents and the atmosphere! Last but not least, we had a lot of fun and a nice location!

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We congratulate Aljoša Smajić and Theres Friesacher on their successfull PhD Thesis defense!


Congratulations to Nadja Singer, TheoChem Group, UniVie!


Another two doctoral degrees are to be celebrated in March!