She did it! Congratulations to Dr. Xingyu Chen!


Xingyu had her PhD defense at University of Vienna and passed with flying colours! Some results of her thesis work named "In-Silico Investigation of KATP-Channels" were recently published in a much noticed research paper.

Xingyu Chen was a Moltag PhD student in the group of Anna Weinzinger at the Department for Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Vienna. In May 2019 her first author paper "Computational Identification of Novel Kir6 Channel Inhibitors" was reported via a press release of the University of Vienna.

The developed strategy - repurposing of already knonw drugs -  is not only cost-effective, it can be potentially used for many more protein defects and provides valuable insights into the side effects of already approved drugs.

Congrats to Xingyu again for so greatly finishing her thesis!

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