Rejoice II and III


Two more defenses are a great way to finish 2019!

Marco Niello at MedUni Wien (Sitte Group) and Stephanie Kainrath at IST (former Janovjak Group) have now harvested the success of years of hard work and dedication towards PhD! We congratulate!

Altogether, our program counts 40 successful defenses of MolTag PhD students from 2013 to 2019 !

We look forward of more to come from 2020!

More News


Nathalie Agudelo Dueñas successfully defended her PhD Thesis at ISTA - Congratulations!


We congratulate Aljoša Smajić and Theres Friesacher on their successfull PhD Thesis defense!


Congratulations to Nadja Singer, TheoChem Group, UniVie!