In a joint effort with the lab of MolTag SAB Marcel Van der Heyden at the University Medical Center Utrecht (NL), MolTag student Theres Friesacher plus MolTag Alumni of the Weinzinger group, namely Xingyu Chen and Eva Plessl showed that a combination of molecular dynamics and inside-out electrophysiology provides the rationale for drug mediated IKATP inhibition, and will be the basis for
1) sreening of additional existing drugs for repurposing to address DEND syndrome, and
2) rationalized medicinal chemistry to improve IKATP inhibitor efficacy and specificity.
Congratulations to the labs involved!
ORIGINAL RESEARCH article; Front. Pharmacol., 14 January 2022
Marien J. C. Houtman1†, Theres Friesacher2†, Xingyu Chen2, Eva-Maria Zangerl-Plessl2, Marcel A. G. van der Heyden1 and Anna Stary-Weinzinger2*
1Department of Medical Physiology, Division of Heart and Lungs, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria