New publication out: Collaboration between Tel Aviv University and Weinzinger lab


The work was finalized during the internship abroad of Theres Friesacher.

We are excited to share the most recent MolTag publication about the rare disease Keppen-Lubinsky Syndrome resulting from a collaboration between the MolTag student Theres Friesacher and MolTag alumni Eva Maria Plessl and Harald Bernsteiner from the Weinzinger group as well as the lab of Nathan Dascal at Tel Aviv University.

The work  combines Molecular Dynamics Simulations  with electrophysiology experiments to look into the mechanism of this severe disease.

First author of the paper is Theres Friesacher, who is currently performing an internship abroad in the group of Nathan Dascal.


Friesacher, T., Reddy, H.P., Bernsteiner, H. et al. A selectivity filter mutation provides insights into gating regulation of a K+ channel. Commun Biol 5, 345 (2022).


a Gβγ-bound mGIRK2wt according to the 4KFM crystal structure. mGIRK2 is shown in green, one Gβγ subunit is shown in shades of orange. b Close-ups of the two regions, which were seen to be most affected in the FMA model. The top figure depicts a side view of the Gβγ-binding site. The lower figure shows a bottom-up view of the inner loops of the CTD. The colors of the residues correspond to the colors allocated in the FMA model in (c). c Correlations predicted by the FMA model projected on the side (left) and on the bottom-up (bottom right) view of mGIRK2. The backbone of mGIRK2 is shown in rainbow colors. Red indicates a high correlation of movements in the respective region to the Cα distance fluctuation of I155, while blue indicates no correlation. White parts were not considered in FMA model calculation. The close-ups shown in b are indicated with purple and cyan rectangles for the Gβγ binding site and the inner loops of the CTD, respectively. d Validation plot of the FMA of MD simulations with the mGIRK2wt and mGIRK2wv channel.

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