MORE Congrats and Hooray!


UPDATE: Just a couple of days after her defense, Julia Westermayr received a 3y Erwin SCHRÖDINGER-Grant by FWF!

That is perfect planning:

Julia Westermayr recently published her paper (see link) about Machine learning and excited-state molecular dynamics  and qualified for PhD after her phenomenal defense on Sept. 24.

In its Board meeting on Sept. 29, the FWF now decided to approve her Schrödinger Fellowship for 3 years. 

Julia will do her PostDoc at the University of Warwick, UK in the group of Reinhard Maurer. She will apply artificial intelligenze to photoplasmonic catalysis of CO2. Later she will return to the TheoChem group of University of Vienna.

Julia Westermayr is a student in the González group at University of Vienna. Her thesis was co-supervised by MolTag SAB member Chris Oostenbrink. During her thesis project Julia started a collaboration with the Institute of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science at TU Berlin. 

We congratulate Julia on her great success and are looking forward  to see what her future in science will further bring! 






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