2-Day-Programm retreats are usually a time to connect, to get to know each other, to discover the variety of personalities, know how, competences and overlaps in a multi disciplinary research team. The virtual MolTag retreat this year met this goals as far as possible under the given cirumstances.
Project progress reports based on teamwork that required prior coordination and analysis of the research of the respective colleague have been worked out by each team. The teams were predominantly of interdisciplinary composition. This previous teamwork enabled the students to prepare very well for their presentations, which were then presented and discussed virtually.
In the smaller subgroups, students, SAB members and PIs were able to get into more details, but also talk about their situation and how they were affected by the Corona crisis. It was a special pleasure to meet our four recent graduates, Julia, Jennifer, Jasmin and Steffi, who shared their experience with online exam situations and career planning. The Retreat has been completed with a workshop for students on the second day. Nonetheless, we are looking forward to be able to finally meet in person again!