For MolTag Students: Meet MolTag SAB Member Delia Belelli, 20.01., 13:00


In the next "Coffee Table" Session we have the pleasure to welcome Delia Belelli and engage in a discussion to her talk "Stress, depression and immunity: an evolving ménage à trois"

The talk is hosted by MolTag faculty member Margot Ernst.



Psychiatric disorders present a growing burden on health systems across the world with an increase in incidence anticipated to rise steeply as a consequence of the current pandemic by SARS-CoV-2.

Depression alone accounts for much of the burden and yet up to two thirds of those suffering remain resistant to current treatments. A growing appreciation of the role played by traumatic events, especially early in life in the development of depressive disorders has not yet translated the neuroendocrinology of stress-associated psychiatric disturbance into effective treatment. Interestingly, the last 2 decades of research have begun highlighting a previously underestimated role of inflammation in psychiatric disorders with a paradigm shift that has led to the development of a new area of research named immunopsychiatry.

In this lecture, I will review key findings supporting a crucial role of inflammation in psychiatric disorders with a focus on depression and how our increased knowledge on the role of inflammation may bridge and provide a mechanistic base for the role of stress in depression. A clinical perspective and potential future directions offering viable therapeutic opportunities will be discussed

Use the usual MolTag Coffee table link!

20.01.2021, 13:00!

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