Congratulations to the recent MolTag Alumni!


Michi Jirout, University of Vienna, and Lisa Knaus, IST Austria, defended their thesis succesfully this month!

Michael Jirout performed his thesis "Gating and conduction regulation of inward rectifier K+ channels" in the lab of Anna Weinzinger/Pharmacology and Toxicolog Division, University of Vienna. He spent 6 months in the Lab of Colin Nichols at Washington University of St. Louis Medical School. 

Michi was a representative of the MolTag PhD students from 02/2022.

Lisa Knaus' PhD research was focused on understanding how the metabolism of the brain changes during different periods of development. Her work describes the key role of a temporary metabolic remodeling in maturing cortical neurons in vivo and will contribute to identifying novel time windows underlying the onset of neurological disorders associated with abnormal regulation of brain-relevant metabolites.

Lisa performed her PhD in the Gaia Novarino Lab at IST Austria; recently she published her findings as first author of a Cell paper.

Lisa is also part of the organizing committee of the MolTag Closing Event!

We congratulate you both and wish you all the best for your further career paths!



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