Another PhD Completed!


Congratulations to Nadja Singer, TheoChem Group, UniVie!

Today, April 15, 2024, Nadja Singer completed her PhD project "Computer-Aided Investigation and Rational Design of Photosensitive Compounds for Ion Channels and Transporters", which she carried out under the supervision of MolTag PI Leticia González at the Theoretical Chemistry Group at the University of Vienna.

Nadja did her internship abroad (project title: Photoswitchable inhibitors of monoamine transporters) in the ITODYS laboratory in Paris, in the group of Antonio Monari. Her laboratory rotation on GROMACS was carried out in the Weinzinger lab at the Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UniVie.

Nadja, congratulations on your latest success, there will be many more to come!



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Congratulations to Nadja Singer, TheoChem Group, UniVie!