Another MolTag Alumni Science Café: 10.03.2021


After alumni presentations of Marco Niello and Marco Stadler, together with MolTag-SAB Thierry Langer, we now expect Konstantina Bampali to give a talk about her ongoing research projects.

Konstantina is working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuropharmacology at the Department of Pathobiology of the Nervous System, Medical Unviersity of Vienna.

Her talk at our next Coffee table, 10.03.2021, is about

GABAA receptor-mediated pharmacotoxicology and a novel binding site for clozapine.

We look forward to an exciting and spirited discussion!

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Nathalie Agudelo Dueñas successfully defended her PhD Thesis at ISTA - Congratulations!


We congratulate Aljoša Smajić and Theres Friesacher on their successfull PhD Thesis defense!


Congratulations to Nadja Singer, TheoChem Group, UniVie!