2 DOC-Fellowships and a PostDoc Grant


This is a good start into summer 2021: 2 PhD students and a MolTag alumna successfully applied for further grants!

Theres Friesacher (Weinzinger group) and Mojtaba Tavakoli (Danzl group) received a DOC Fellowship for highly qualified PhD candidates, funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. 

MolTag alumna Stefanie Kickinger (formerly Ecker group) received a PostDoc grant by the Lundbeck Foundation and performs her research project at the University of Copenhagen in the group of Petrine Wellendorph and Hussam Nour-Eldin.  



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Nathalie Agudelo Dueñas successfully defended her PhD Thesis at ISTA - Congratulations!


We congratulate Aljoša Smajić and Theres Friesacher on their successfull PhD Thesis defense!


Congratulations to Nadja Singer, TheoChem Group, UniVie!