Giovanni Di Mauro performed the first offline Moltag defense in this Funding period!
UPDATE: Several press releases for "Unravelling the Turn-on Fluorescence Mechanism of a Fluorescein-Based Probe in GABAA Receptors"; paper will be...
The work was finalized during the internship abroad of Theres Friesacher.
Structural mechanisms of ion channel gating, pharmacology, and CNS immune disorders by Ryan Hibbs
"Identification of the long-sought GHB high-affinity binding site in the mammalian brain"
on his first authorship in Epilepsia (Feb 12, 2022)
Awarded by GÖCH for outstanding dissertations in Medicinal Chemistry
First authored by Ralph Gradisch with support by Marco Niello
Shared firstauthorship in Front Pharmacol. combines (again) MolTag generations