Another successful PhD degree!


This time we congratulate Ralph Gradisch from MedUni on his doctorate

Ralph Gradisch startet his PhD journey in MolTag in July 2019 in the group of Harald Sitte at Medical Unviersity of Vienna. His internship abroad led him to Nanion Technologies in Munich.

In his previously published article "Occlusion of the human serotonin transporter is mediated by serotonin-induced conformational changes in the bundle domain" in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, he and his co-authors elucidated how a substrate e.g. serotonin mediates conformational changes in the respective transporter leading to transporter occlusion.

Congratulations, Ralph!

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Congratulations to Nadja Singer, TheoChem Group, UniVie!


Another two doctoral degrees are to be celebrated in March!


Christian Knittl-Frank finished his PhD thesis in the Maulide Lab!